Sunday, 16 December 2012

'Twas the night before Fakemas

Hello one and all! I've been busy with writing up a draft for my dissertation and finishing off miscellaneous uni work. But as of Thursday, I am free! WOO! BRING ON THE CHRISTMAS!

We've been busy decking the flat out for our Fakemas weekend. So the way it works is that tonight is "Christmas Eve" and tomorrow is "Christmas" :) It's because everyone's headed elsewhere or home for Christmas so we thought it would be nice.

Check out our tree! 

This is our angel, it was only a pound and it's really cute haha. 

So last night, we decided to make paper chains because we needed budget decorations for our flat :D

Josh putting up some paper chains.

More paper chain logistics. 

Dan made this star :D

All the work was definitely worth it, the flat feels super cozy and Christmassy now.

This picture is by Josh. Doesn't our flat look like a page out of the Ikea catalogue?

Dan and I made some dinner. I brought loads of seasoning packets from home and I still had loads so we decided to use one :) This packet was for ribs but we didn't have any so just settled with chicken instead.

I know, I know. It's just a carrot. "Why on earth is there a picture of a carrot?!" I hear you say. I just liked the shape. It's a perfect carrot shape. Like the kind you draw when you're a kid in school, most of the carrots you get are kinda wonky but this one is just what you see if you imagined a carrot.  

And.... Done.

More Christmas pictures soon! :) 

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