Thursday, 31 January 2013

Hot Chocolate Hazelnut Mocha

Dan and I made hot chocolate the other night. Only that it wasn't just anyyy hot chocolate it was the Hot Chocolate Hazelnut Mocha! :D We kind of adapted this recipe from Sorted. But theirs seemed a bit too thick so we just kinda got the flavours and did our own version. It's not hard really. The only thing that might get annoying if you're used to having instant hot chocolate is to heat up the milk in a pan. But other than that, it's a piece of cake..ARRR, matey. Sometimes I like to think I'm a pirate :/

We used Tesco dark chocolate because it's just quite good. However, I do prefer the Sainsbury's own dark chocolate which is only 35p but Tesco is right next to where I live. So Tesco it was.

Ah Nutella. So good with everything. It's so good at being good with everything that Pris has started eating it with celery sticks! Sounds weird but I've tried it and it is quite nice actually :D Nutella also goes really well with oats! It just makes the oats so rich and gooey and hazelnuty/chocolaty.  We used the Nutella just to make the hot chocolate a little bit richer.

After throwing the coffee and the chocolate in the hot milk it was just time to let it all melt into one unified amazing chocolate heaven.

Served in my giant Minnie Mouse mug which I got as a Christmas gift from Dan's sister :D Hurrah!

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