Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!

We had some friends over on Chinese New Year and a massive nine hour eating marathon O_O Sounds intense but it was really good :) Everyone came over to celebrate with us and it was really nice for Pris and I to share our CNY traditions with our friends.

The picture above is the all important, Yee Sang. It's kind of like the turkey at Christmas or a cake at a birthday party. It's a big salad that everyone has to mix and toss together, and you wish for health, happiness and prosperity for everyone as you toss the salad. It's kind of hard to explain but if you search it on youtube it should come up.

First thing the boys do when they get to our flat is check if we have the sports channel haha. Sorry guys.

The giant hot pot we borrowed from Paul and some chicken kebabs that Sumit made.

Steamboat stuff: dumplings/meatballs/tofu/fish cakes.

Tofu Town

Ready to eat.

Steamboat is just so delicious and the longer you cook it the soup just gets better and better. YUM.

Prawns! Because the word for prawns in Chinese is Ha - and that's considered good because it's like "hahaha" so there's lots of laughter and joy in your life. 

And of course, the curry puffs! These were really popular, one of the first things we ran out of :) 

How we all felt after the meal. 

It was just a really great chilled out day with friends. Which is what CNY is supposed to be about. I think everyone had a good time and made some really excellent food. We played a bit of Pictionary, talked, drank and listened to Priscilla's Tamil music playlist. CNY/Deepavali? Haha. 

And just a bit of a role call for the boys who all made such great dishes - we had a very international spread that day. Unfortunately, no photos because we were just busy eating and having a nice time.

Dan made the rice, Mathew made Thai green curry, Phil made spring rolls, Karthik made maggi goreng and stir-fried pak choi, Sumit made chicken kebabs and paneer with peas, Jack made southern fried chicken wraps, Wyn made steamed trout and Paul made chicken satay with peanut sauce. Thanks guys! :)

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

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